2011年的11月,我終於完成我的計畫,到韓國首爾找Jung and Bora 了~好開心唷!也~~~好好玩~~~但~~~好累>"< 最後一天,我瘸了!!哈哈~
2011.11.17 korea 按摩 -文昌按全身jpg
2011.11.17 korea 按摩房間
2011.11.17 seoul tower -1
2011.11.17 seoul tower
2011.11.18 korea 的好吃yogurt,原來就是台灣的優配雷
2011.11.18 korea pub - Jung & me
2011.11.18 korea pub - Matt playing first
2011.11.18 korea 好喝奶茶
2011.11.18 korea 好喝的飲料
2011.11.18 korea 廁所 check list
2011.11.18 korea 好喝飲料
2011.11.18 korea 廁所的 check list
2011.11.18 景福宮jpg
2011.11.19 korea dance club - Jisun & me & bora -1
2011.11.19 korea dance club - Jisun & me & bora
2011.11.16 airport shuttle bus from airport to hotel
2011.11.16 airport 廣告看板
2011.11.16 arrive ICN airport - 1
2011.11.16 arrive ICN airport -2
2011.11.16 arrive ICN airport-3
2011.11.16 arrive ICN airport
2011.11.16 dinner time at 明洞 - 包子
2011.11.16 dinner time at 明洞 - 石鍋牛肉
2011.11.16 dinner time at 明洞 - 配菜
2011.11.16 dinner time at 明洞 - 就這樣的一餐$25,500 真貴~哈!-1
2011.11.16 dinner time at 明洞 - 就這樣的一餐$25,500 真貴~哈!
2011.11.16 dinner time at 明洞
2011.11.16 ICN airport
2011.11.16 korea's KTV ?
2011.11.16 korea's KTV ?-1
2011.11.16 重點不是uniqlo,是~街上的垃圾(他們的路邊,這樣的垃圾到處都是>
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - cute Nicole
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - cable ca
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - cable car - Tyler & Jason & Patricia & Nicole
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - cable car
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - cute ^^
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - cute Nicole 1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-2
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-3
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-4
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-5
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-6
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you-7
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - i love you
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - night sight
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - ticket desk 1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - ticket desk
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - TV
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - Tyler try to kill bora ???
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - 文昌
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower - 文昌1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower -1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower -night view-1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower -night view-2
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower 1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower 2
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower 3
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower -night view
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower 4
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower view 1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower view 2
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower view
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower- night sight 1
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower- night sight 3
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower- night sight 4
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower- night sight
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower- wish tree & 文昌
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower- wish tree
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-2
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-3
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-4
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-5
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-6
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-7
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-8
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-bora 2
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-bora 3
2011.11.17 korea seoul tower-bora
- 最新上傳:
- 2011/12/13
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